Total Medals Earned: 299 (From
67 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 4,660 Points
Rebuild your ship
Collect all the biosamples
Beat the boss
Beat the game!
Beat the boss without taking any kind of damage.
Beat the game in one sitting without dying.
Clean every speck of dirt from every level in the Classic Campaign!
Clean every speck of dirt from every level in Secrets of the Sewers!
Figure out what to do from the start...
Hello, everybody, my name is...
Is it the author or the composer..? Or maybe both?
It's-a me!
Is it the 1987?!
I probably shouldn't touch this one...
This one looks like mine, but... from a different place...
A piece of mysterious universe...
Must be a part of some website title...
Finish all 8 levels
Play the game
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Beat the game
Start the game
Get the first power-up
Get the second power-up
Get the third power-up
Speedrun in under 300 seconds
Win your first game.
Play Wordle Defense
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Lose your first game.
Get the answer right before the third turn.
Use code "BODEAN" at the checkout for 20% off!!!
Play Yu Jammin
Release your first track.
Release a song that uses "snd_fartreverb"
Release five different songs.